This book is an essential work of reference that is intended for four 1. The American Institute of Floral Designers (AIFD) for use in their accreditation of candidates for AIFD membership. 2. Professional florists who seek to enhance and expand their understanding of the broad scope of the design world. 3. Garden Club flower arrangers who desire an in-depth knowledge about floriculture. 4. Enthusiasts who simply love flowers and want to know more about them. What is in this book? The multiple glossaries of terms are the major feature of this book. All of the terms within the glossaries are grouped according to categories or tabbed sections. These terms are also listed in the directory at the end of the book. This format presents the reader with a most user-friendly approach to the definitions of terms and the relationships between them. The reader is able to analyze and compare related definitions at a glance, as well as to quickly grasp an entire topic in an efficient manner. Each section begins with an introduction and brief outline of the section. Some sections include an in-depth narrative, which provides a broad spectrum of information on the specific topic. An extensive glossary of terms follows, and illustrations, charts, and diagrams accompany many sections. The narratives and defined terms relate to virtually every aspect of flowers and other plant – Their historical underpinnings – Their botanical heritage – Their cultural importance – Their purchase – Their care – Their use in design – Their related products and processes – Their selling and delivery to the public